Traducción al español pronto |
Tradução portuguesa em breve |
We aim to offer these courses in several languages, and many translations are ongoing. However, if you know of anyone who can help by volunteering their time to translate these courses, please let us know. In the meantime, the Google translate function is also available at the top of the screen as a means of interim help.
Global Health Network e-learning courses are of high quality and are recognized by organizations such as TDR, DNDi, IAVI, AERAS, etc. The Global Health Network has established a recognition scheme in which several highly respected organizations and institutions declare their endorsement and recognition of these courses. This recognition scheme is an alternative to accreditation. This approach is more appropriate because any form of accreditation would be tied to the authority of an individual organization in a single country/region. This contradicts the ethos of the Global Health Network as an open-access collaboration to support clinical trials in all regions and for all disease areas.