

About: Tilak Chandra Nath now working as an "Assistant Professor" at the Department of Parasitology, Sylhet Agricultural University, Sylhet, Bangladesh. His field of specialization is Parasitology with a focus on Implementation Research, Public Health, and Molecular Biology. His research interests lie in the area of "Parasites Biobanking & One Health Approach", ranging from theory to design to implementation. He has received the Global Korea Scholarship for PhD and WHO/TDR Postgraduate Scholarship for MPH (Special Postgraduate Program of Implementation Research). He has attended training programs at several universities including Seoul National University (Korea), Chungbuk National University (Korea), University of Idaho (USA), Duksung Women's University (Korea), University Gadjah Mada (Indonesia), Hanoi University of Public Health (Vietnam), Khon Kaen University (Thailand), United Nations University (Japan), Institut Pasteur de Tunis (Tunisia), West Bengal Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (India) and University of Ghana (Ghana). He published more than 15 scientific articles as the author or coauthor in international refereed journals and contributed to more than 20 national and international conferences and workshops. He has a firm grounding in the fields of parasitological laboratory research along with ecology, epidemiology, isolation, identification of various helminth, protozoa, and their vectors.  He also has sound skills in qualitative and quantitative research including FGDs, Project Managements, and control programs Implementation. Presently, he is working as a "Research Associate" at the "Parasite Research Center & Parasite Resource Bank (PRB)", School of Medicine, Chungbuk National University, Korea. https://profiles.tdr-global.net/Tilak.Chandra.Nath https://theglobalacademy.ac/sylhet-agricultural-university/dr-tilak-chandra-nath/

Job: Student


  • Assistant Professr at Sylhet Agricultural University

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