This Project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 734584.
This group is for general discussions about research capacity building in Latin America
En el curso de buenas prácticas clínicas aprendí que tenemos tres funciones claves para poder cumplir las normas de BPC que son promotor, investigador y sub investigador. Este manual de BPC establece ...
This group is for those involved in REDe to share ideas, meeting notes, plans and updates.
The aim of this Zika Diagnostics Discussion Forum is to bring health professionals from areas affected by the Zika epidemics across the Latin America and the Caribbean to share their experiences, prospects, and challenges working with Zika diagnostics. Your participation will help to further our understanding of which tools are effective or needed, what are the current knowledge and training gaps hindering best diagnostics and laboratory practices, and to inform how we can best help to support teh development of best Zika diagnostic practices and processes in your region. Please get involved!
This group is for discussing zika-specific research; you can share your ideas, thoughts and questions with the community here.
Events, News, and Training Opportunities
This group is for members to post news items and training opportunities that you have found, to share with the local community.
Latest post
Many communities are battling with overwhelming patterns of substance abuse particularly alcohol addiction. We are looking for opportunities for funding on strategies ti minimise the effect.